Uncoverage - Growing up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult

Uncoverage - Growing up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult@uncoverage

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Uncoverage - Growing up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult
After moving to Karme Choling, the dharma center in Barnet, Vermont, Una's nightmare of being known as a Buddhist to strangers becomes a living reality at school. Unable and unwilling to make friends her own age, she experiences a series of adult relationships, some are good, others prove to be confusing. At the center of it all is Trungpa Rinpoche.
Uncoverage - Growing up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult
It's 1982 and Una's mother has had enough of Boulder. They pack up the car and move to a dharma center in Barnet, Vermont. On the way, they stop in New York City and stay at the Chelsea Hotel for a few days. On one of those afternoons, Una and her mother have lunch with her mother's family. Seeing her grandparents reminds Una of a trip she took to see them by herself, a few years earlier, to Fort Lauderdale.
Uncoverage - Growing up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult
Una is hanging out in the basement at Dorje Dzong, the center, with a bunch of the other dharma kids. Tommy starts talking about hypocrites and Una wonders what he means. A few months later, Una's mother leaves town for seminary, a three-month program, with Trungpa Rinpoche.
While her mother is gone Una decides to become a formal Buddhist, to take refuge. The process involves getting a new name, which forces Una to reflect on her past.
Who is Una?
Who is Una?
Uncoverage - Growing up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult
Una and her mother move into a big house on Mapleton Hill with Ann and her two kids. Just in time, too, as it's becoming increasingly difficult for her to reconcile the Buddhist world and the outside world.
Una is invited to Kalapa Court, Trungpa Rinpoche's home, for High Tea. There's no saying what will happen to her once she walks through his front door, she may not come out the same little girl as she went in.
Poor in a Rich Kingdom
Poor in a Rich Kingdom
Uncoverage - Growing up in a Tibetan Buddhist Cult
Settling into life in Boulder, Colorado, Una runs wild with the other kids at Trungpa Rinpoche's dharma talks, setting fires, and making life-long friends. Noticing that meditation has become the center of her mother's life, she decides to try it, too.

When school lets out, Una's mother decides it's time to meditate for a month and they go to a remote dharma center for the summer.
Meditation and Mischief
Meditation and Mischief